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POSTPONED due to power outage – Accessible Social Media Webinar

January 26, 2023 @ 6:30 pm America/Halifax

POSTPONED DUE TO POWER OUTAGE: We’ve been monitoring the power outages and with thousands still without power in Halifax today, including some of our registrants, we’ve decided we will be postponing this webinar to ensure all our registrants can attend. We will be in touch tomorrow with the new webinar date.

This year, the King’s community has free access to a collection of Atlantic Canadian accessible ebooks and audiobooks through Books by Heart, a program being tested for a Nova Scotia Health hospital department. Through this program, we’re also exploring opportunities to learn more about other areas of digital accessibility, such as social media, and are opening up this learning to any interested attendees (The King’s community and beyond!). Anyone interested is welcome to join us to learn more. Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GVXE_EGJR-WujlV6a2_OvQ

Does everyone get to “socialize” on social media? What can you do to help?

22% of people in so-called Canada live with disabilities. Learn how to make sure the content you share can be equally understood and appreciated by all.

In this practical, open-level online workshop we’ll cover topics like:
-What happens when someone using assistive technology like a screen reader encounters inaccessible posts on social media
-How to use built-in accessibility features on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok
-The difference between alt text versus image descriptions, and how to write each
-How to design (more) accessible graphics
-What are tone indicators and why are they helpful
-Best practices for using emojis, hashtags, and GIFs

About the facilitator:
Caroline Kovesi is the Awareness and Education Coordinator for the Government of Nova Scotia’s Accessibility Directorate. She holds an MA in Critical Disability Studies from York University and is passionate about digital accessibility and communications. Her prior experience in the publishing industry includes work for Between the Lines, Dundurn Press, and the Atlantic Publishers Marketing Association. In her spare time she enjoys reading, puzzling, following disabled creators on social media, and (re)watching Buffy.

Accessibility information: This session will run for 1.5 hours followed by a .5 hour Q&A period.
The session will be hosted on Zoom. Closed captioning will be available. You can turn on closed captioning by clicking on the CC button in the menu bar.
Because this is a webinar, cameras and microphones will be off for attendees attending this session. However, the session may use the Zoom polling, chat, and Q&A. There will be someone monitoring the Zoom chat and Q&A if you have any questions or problems during the session.
This session will be recorded. The recording will be made available to registrants after the session. If this session uses slides, they will be shared as view-only on request.
Please feel free to get in touch for any further information. If you have any accessibility requirements, we will do our best to accommodate you.



January 26, 2023
6:30 pm America/Halifax


Online Events